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A definitive carbon calculation engine

for Australian agriculture, fisheries and forestry

Desktop monitor
Desktop view of the greenhouse gas emissions dashboard in the AIA Environmental Accounting Platfrom showing Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions with a map view of the farm boundaries
Tablet device
Tablet view of the greenhouse gas emissions dashboard in the AIA Environmental Accounting Platfrom with graphs and pie charts showing the breakdown of emissions by Scope and greenhouse gasses

The Farm Data Code Certification Trade Mark is owned by the National Farmers’ Federation Limited (NFF), and its use is not an endorsement or a representation by NFF other than that the product was assessed as compliant with the Farm Data Code available at

NFF_Badge_AIA EAP.png

The AIA EAP is a definitive carbon calculation engine for Australian agriculture, fisheries and forestry. The first of its kind, it enables the calculation of a carbon footprint at a commodity, enterprise and whole of business level.


It is a national-scale, pre-competitive solution, which provides Australian producers and their supply chains with an accessible and standardised approach to carbon accounting across multiple commodities.

The AIA EAP does not compete with carbon calculators or platforms in the market.

All software and service providers can use the EAP to drive their clients' calculations.



Provides a whole of enterprise footprint across multiple commodities

Backed by science and industry

Built with investment from RDCs and supported by our Technical Advisory Panel experts

Built to evolve

Extensible architecture enables new calculators and frameworks to be added over time

Who is the EAP for?


Create a whole of enterprise footprint, review your carbon accounting outputs, baseline your enterprise and use scenario planning to help make decisions before sharing insights with whomever you wish.

Choose between using the AIA EAP directly or asking your software or service providers if they are integrated with the AIA EAP.

Software/service providers & supply chain

Farm and management solution providers, supply chain participants, agribusiness, financial institutions and others can integrate with the AIA EAP engine and/or build it into their own service offerings


The AIA EAP was built by AIA with investment from these rural Research and Development Corporations

GRDC logo
Meat and Livestock Australia Logo
Australian Pork logo
AMPC logo
CRDC logo.png
AgriFutures logo
FRDC logo
AUS Eggs Logo.jpg
Sugar Research Logo.png
Wine Australia Logo.jpg

About AIA

AIA is the company behind the AIA EAP. 

AIA was established by Australia’s 15 rural Research and Development Corporations, which span the agriculture, fisheries and forestry industries.

As a not for profit company, AIA is ideally placed to own and manage the IP, infrastructure and governance of the AIA EAP on behalf of industry.

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© 2024 Agricultural Innovation Australia Ltd
ABN 96 644 777 293

Privacy Policy

Outputs from the AIA EAP are not advice and are only to
be used as a guide and are not intended to be relied on
(solely or substantially) by the User to make business decisions.

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